There she blows! Draw the water in, then squirt it out through the whale’s spout. This active water toy introduces children to the basic principles of water pressure. Push the tail in slowly for a gentle spray, and faster for a more dramatic one. Our high quality ABS plastic makes it a cinch to keep clean.
- Age: 2 years +.
- Dimensions: 16.8 * 5.6 * 5.3 cm.
- Material: ABS plastic.
Kid O believes children have the most fun when they’re discovering new things. For them, playing is learning. That’s why all Kid O products are thoughtfully designed with lots of opportunities to explore built right in. Our toys engage and stimulate children again and again with a rich variety of shapes, colours, and sizes, so the possibilities for open-ended, creative play are limitless. And when children’s play is powered by their own imaginations, they develop skills they’ll use for a lifetime.